

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mitigating Risks

Here is another video in the series on disaster preparedness.

Are you ready if disaster hits?

~ Joe

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another video segment on implementing a disaster plan.

Instructional video on how to develop and implement an effective disaster plan. This segment looks at what is the end result of disaster planning:

~ Joe

 Follow me on Twitter or Like me on Facebook


Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to develop and implement an effective disaster plan

Here is the next video in the series that talks about how to be prepared, respond and recover from a disaster.

~ Joe

Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Emergency Preparedness for Museums

Are you prepared for a disaster?  Imagine what you would do if you had warning of an impending tornado, flood or earthquake.  What would you do to protect your home and household furnishings? Would you be able to save your family's treasures?   Imagine the same events, but now you are responsible for the history of a nation or the art of a thousand years.  Should we put some plywood on the windows, stack some sandbags, and hope for the best?

For the last several years I have been part of many conversations regarding the preparedness of museums for disaster.  Usually we discuss how to prevent damage and what to do if the worst happens.  These questions are being asked in every museum around the world, and there are more questions then there are answers.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to post videos that address preparedness and recovery for museum collections.  Please let me know what you think about the series.  If you have any suggestions or advice I would be happy to post it here.

~ Joe

Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
